
Club for City Explorers: transforming twotickets into a modern and user-friendly platform

About the product

With more than 30.000 active users, twotickets is one of the biggest providers of ticketing services in Germany.

My role

Lead UI/UX Designer, UX Reasearcher, Branding.

Main project goal

Transform the existing functionality.
Make it more intuitive and user-friendly.
Update UI & make it appeal modern.


In 2022, the company noticed that its target audience was aging. Although the platform's functionality was well-established and familiar to existing customers, it struggled to attract new ones. The company's objective was to redesign the platform in line with the preferences of the target customers and expand its audience through modern design.

Before. Before launching the re-design of the product, twotickets felt outdated and cluttered.





Users found it challenging to navigate through the platform due to a complex and unintuitive menu structure. Moreover the platform's responsiveness was inconsistent, making it challenging for users to access it on various screen sizes and devices.

Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives

Goals and objectives

  • Attract new users to the platform and redesign it according to target customer preferences.

  • Update the design system and position the product as innovative.

  • Allow event organizers to list their events shortly before they begin.

  • Boost acceptance among event organizers, marketing partners, and media through QR codes/wallet integration.


Quantitative Analytics

Quantitative Analytics

Quantitative Analytics

Quantitative Analytics

First, I decided to gather some numerical data with the help of Google Analytics. I chose this method to understand patterns, behaviors, and trends within the large user base of twotickets. This helped me identify users' demographics, goals, challenges, and motivations, which led to persona creation.

I found that:
  • Most users tend not to use functions such as 'Begleiten' (Accompany), 'Tauschen' (Ticket exchange), and 'Planer' (Event planner) due to their complex navigation.

  • The majority of users prefer using the mobile browser version over downloading the app.

Some insights on users' age, gender, demographics and goals,

Persona creation

Persona creation

Persona creation

Persona creation

Based on the gathered quantitative data, I:

  • Conducted 5 short user interviews to gather qualitative data about potential users.

  • Developed the persona 'Eva' based on the synthesized user data. Then, I presented the persona to stakeholders for feedback and validation.

The results of the stakeholder workshops reveal that Eva is 42 years old, works in a small agency in Prenzlauer Berg, and develops voice assistants there. Her children have moved beyond their most demanding phase, and together with her partner, she effectively manages her daily life. In fact, her phone serves as her only window to the world beyond the city limits. Through it, she keeps up with the latest fashion trends, dreams about visiting new exciting places, and discreetly follows the latest gossip in her neighborhood. What was missing for Eva? The opportunity to leave the house and explore the city. Her brother introduced her to a platform where she could win various free tickets to different events.

Besides creating persona me and marketing team also defined the Sinus Milieus of the Taget Group in order to understand customer needs on even deeper social level.

Solution design

New card navigation

New card navigation

New card navigation

New card navigation

One of the main challenges was the positioning of events on the center page. The goal was to enable users to access a larger number of events in a shorter period of time and make it easier for the target audience to navigate between events. Creating a new intuitive card navigation on twotickets' main page involved a thoughtful process focused on improving user experience and increasing event discoverability.

The final decision to use carousels for medium-sized event cards aimed to strike a balance between presenting a variety of events and maintaining a user-friendly interface for the target audience aged 35 and above.

Different card states.

Different card states.

Different card states.

Different card states.




UI Kit

UI Kit

UI Kit

UI Kit

During the first couple of months I collaborated on the creation of design base (including atoms, molecules, fonts and color schemes) that aligns with the brand identity and resonates with the target audience represented by the persona.

I defined paddings, sizes and states for all UI components.

I defined paddings, sizes and states for all UI components.

I defined paddings, sizes and states for all UI components.

I defined paddings, sizes and states for all UI components.

Final designs

Final designs

Final designs

Final designs

In usability tests, both users and stakeholders expressed a desire to make the overall appearance of the platform less 'fancy' and more simplistic. My final task before delivering the final designs to the development team was to simplify them a bit and make generalized.

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© 2024 Iskander Alibayev

© 2024 Iskander Alibayev